people networking

Welcome to Columbus Ohio Networking.

This site was created in 2017 to help track local events here in Columbus Ohio that would be good for networking in relation to job search. The site has tracked thousands of events.

This site was designed, developed and is maintained by Marshall Magee.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please use the Contact Page to send me a note.

Columbus Networking Site Design

This site was designed using Amazon Web Services (AWS) to reduce cost and daily adminstration effort required. Utilizing a Serverless and Microservices design pattern. The total cost of running this site on AWS is $1.54 a month and that includes the yearly cost of the domain name registration. The site is automated except for the task of entering new events. The site sends a newsletter out each week, tweets about events everyday and cleans up past events. And even responses to Amazon Alexa request for what events are happening today. Unique features include:

Diagram of site architecture
Architecture diagram of